Reactive Group Solid State Disks Ltd SCSIFLASH Arraid, LLC SCSI SDD


2017 Solid State Disks Ltd

Solid State Disks Ltd (SSDL) has a strong commitment to its environmental and sustainability programs and is aware and focused on human rights violations that are associated with the mining of certain minerals under potentially violent conditions in certain parts of the world. SSDL supports the principles endorsed by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Regulation and Consumer Protection Act to avoid the use of Conflict Minerals. Conflict Minerals refers to minerals or other derivatives including tin, tantalum, gold and tungsten, which when mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries, directly or indirectly finance armed groups engaged in civil war resulting in social and environmental abuses. SSDL is committed to sourcing components and materials from companies that share these values around human rights, ethics and environmental and social sustainability.

SSDL expects our suppliers to source materials from socially responsible suppliers. SSDL expects our suppliers to comply with all regulations pertaining to Conflict Minerals and provide all necessary declarations. As this is an evolving global issue, SSDL is committed to continuous improvement in this area both of itself and its supply chain.

Our clients include...

Head Office UK

Creative House
Station Road

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Telephone: +44 (0) 1189 323499
Fax: +44 (0) 1189 323510

Head Office Australia

Glenmore Road
NSW 2021

Head Office USA

26 W. Lone Cactus Drive
Ste. 500
AZ 85027

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Disk Emulator

Worldwide: القرص المرن المحاكي - флопи диск емулатор - disketa emulátor - 软盘仿真器 - 플로피 에뮬레이터 - diskette emulator - אמולטור תקליטון - disketa emulator - فلاپی دیسک - levyke emulaattori - émulateur de disquette - δισκέτα υπολογιστή - फ़्लॉपी डिस्क - Hajlékonylemez - cakram flopi - disklingur - フロッピーディスクエミュレータ - dyskietka - emulador de disquete - discheta emulator - эмулятор флоппи дисковода - ฟล็อปปี้ดิสก์

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