Reactive Group Solid State Disks Ltd SCSIFLASH Arraid, LLC SCSI SDD

Replacing NEC Neax 61E & NEC SIGMA SCSI Drives

The following drives used in NEC Neax 61E and NEC SIGMA Switches can be substituted..

MCF3064SS (512 sector) Magneto Optic Drive (MO)

ST34520N Moving Head Hard Disk Drive (MHD/ HDD)

Other HDD & Magneto Optic (removable) SCSI firmware is available for the NEC Switches.

For further NEC Neax 61E and NEC SIGMA and other TELCO SOLID STATE SCSI CF Product information details click here

For information on the latest Ethernet (TCP) SCSIFlash Network drive click here

Solid State Disks Ltd (SSDL), the advanced storage systems design, development and integration specialist, manufacture the CF2SCSI SCSIFlash drive™ which solves the growing and increasingly expensive problem of repairing or replacing ageing and failing SCSI-based hard disk (3.5 inch and 5.25 inch HDD), magneto optical (MO), quarter-inch tape (Pertec, QIC DAT, DLT 3490), Jazz, ZIP, Bernoulli and floppy (FDD) drives on computer-based legacy equipment. The SCSIFlash™ drive provides a low-cost, solid state drive replacement that enables Compact Flash cards to be seen as SCSI drives by the host system.

The SCSI solid state flash disk combines proven SCSI drive architectures (SASI, SCSI-1, SCSI-2) with industry-standard, solid state Compact Flash (CF) card technology to provide a highly reliable, solid state drop-in replacement for any style of SCSI-based drive including hard disk, magneto optical, tape and floppy drives. Importantly, SCSI Bridge is completely programmable, enabling the SCSI driver implementation nuances of all equipment manufacturers to be fully emulated.

The Solid State CF Disk Drive solution applies to a broad range of computer-based legacy equipment in a spectrum of industries and markets from telecommunications and broadcasting through to industrial process control, factory automation and instrumentation, semiconductor manufacturing, point-of-sale and mil/aero applications.

The SCSI Bridge drive currently supports CompactFlash drives up to 256GB and utilizes a 3.5 inch form factor (or larger 5.25 inch form factor). It is available in two package types either with no externally removable card as a hard disk replacement or with an externally removable CompactFlash card slot as magneto optical, Jazz, ZIP, tape or floppy drive replacement. Microcode is field-upgradeable via the integral RS-232 serial interface which also enables real-time diagnostics to be undertaken. Board power is only 5V.

“By combining SCSI and CompactFlash technologies, the SCSI Bridge drive future-proofs computer-based legacy equipment that depends on worn out and obsolete SCSI drives for which replacements and spare parts are scarce,” said James Hilken, Sales Director of Solid State Disks. “As the SCSI drives in legacy systems age and their electro-mechanical components fail, it is becoming increasing difficult to replace or repair them as replacement drives and spare parts simply may not be available. Sourcing second-hand units to cannibalize doesn’t really provide a lasting or safe solution either. In contrast, using the SCSI Solid State Drive and Industrial CompactFlash technology to replace them provides a low-cost, fast and efficient solution that increases reliability and reduces unplanned downtime due to its solid state, non-moving part design.”

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About Solid State Disks

Solid State Disks Ltd (SSD) is the industrial division of the Reactive Group. Headquartered in the United Kingdom, the company operates worldwide specialising in the design, development and integration of advanced storage systems for mil/aero, commercial and industrial applications as well as the distribution of solid state Flash memory technologies. For further information, please visit:

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Media contacts:

James Hilken, Sales Director, Solid State Disks

Tel: +44 (0) 1189 323499.   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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