Reactive Group Solid State Disks Ltd SCSIFLASH Arraid, LLC SCSI SDD

Solid State Disks Ltd (SSDL) are proud to sponsor the next International Institute of Obsolescence (IIOM) Management Members meeting on Tuesday 25th October.

SSDL are members of IIOM. 

Reading, UK– 1st March 2016. Solid State Disks Ltd, the computer storage systems design, development and integration specialist, has announced a new, Ethernet-based back-up and restore capability for its family of Compact Flash (CF) SCSI-Flash solid-state drives, providing further storage future-proofing for critical legacy computer applications that otherwise have plenty of life left in them.

The SCSI-Flash CF drive is targeted at a range of computer-based legacy applications where critical SCSI-based storage drives are becoming more and more difficult to repair or replace as they increasingly age and fail. As a direct, drop-in replacement, SCSI-Flash provides an up-to-date, high-reliability, solid-state and low-cost solution to the problem. SCSI-Flash targets a broad spectrum of industries and markets including telecommunications, semiconductor manufacturing, industrial process control, engineering and manufacturing, oil and gas, power generation, mil/aero, flight simulation and post-production applications.

Reading, UK – 22nd December 2015. Solid State Disks Ltd (SSDL) win SCSI CF Solid State upgrade contract with major UK Telecom repair & service organisation to upgrade the SCSI drives on their customers Nokia DX 220 system. The CF Solid State Disk Drive has passed Nokia DX 220 test beds and live network testing and is currently being deployed in a major operator network.

The Magneto Optic (Removable MO) and Moving Head Disk (MHD) can be replaced using the Solid State SCSIFlash drop in replacement.

Reading, UK – 20th November 2015.
Solid State Disks Ltd (SSDL) wins SCSI CF Solid State upgrade contract with major US Energy OEM to upgrade the RWZ01, RZ23, RZ26, RZ26B & RZ29 SCSI drives on their DEC VAXstation 4000-90A and uVAX systems. The CF Solid State Disk Drive has passed VAX 4000 test beds and live network testing.

The RWZ01, RZ23, RZ26, RZ26B & RZ29 disks – can be replaced with the CF Solid State Disk Drive.

Reading, UK – 14th April 2015. Solid State Disks Ltd (SSDL) win SCSI CF Solid State upgrade contract with major New Zealand Telecom OEM to upgrade the SCSI drives on their NEC Neax 61E & NEC SIGMA system. The CF Solid State Disk Drive has passed Nortel NEC Neax 61E and NEC SIGMA test beds and live network testing and is currently being deployed in a major operator network.

The Magneto Optic (Removable MO) and Moving Head Disk (MHD) can be replaced using a drop in replacement - the SCSIFlash Solid State Disk Drive.

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Head Office UK

Creative House
Station Road

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Telephone: +44 (0) 1189 323499
Fax: +44 (0) 1189 323510

Head Office Australia

Glenmore Road
NSW 2021

Head Office USA

26 W. Lone Cactus Drive
Ste. 500
AZ 85027

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Disk Emulator

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